FAQs on the topic of credit
What is the difference between leasing and a personal loan (when buying a car)?
With a LEASE-now leasing product, you pay a monthly installment to use the vehicle over the term of the agreement, similar to paying rent for an apartment, but BANK-now remains the sole owner of the vehicle. The monthly installment is calculated based on the cash purchase price, the number of kilometers driven annually, the lease duration, the lease interest rate, and the relevant residual value. At the end of the agreement, you can return the vehicle to your dealer.
With a CREDIT-now credit product, product, you get a loan to buy the vehicle from a supplier. Following the purchase, full ownership of the vehicle will be transferred to your name. Unlike a leasing agreement, there is no obligation to the supplier and the vehicle can be sold at any time.
This is not an exhaustive overview of the differences. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone at 0800 40 40 42.