To enable you to protect yourself and your family from financial gaps in the event of involuntary unemployment or incapacity to work, BANK-now offers an insurance solution with Helvetia Versicherungen to protect against loss of income.
Benefits at a glance
- Secures the previous standard of living.
- Protects against potential financial emergencies as a result of accident, illness, or unemployment.
- Protects recurring payment obligations such as rent, insurance premiums, and taxes.
- No health check necessary.
- The amount paid out can be used for any purpose.
Insured risks
- Involuntary unemployment.
- Temporary total incapacity to work due to illness or injury.
Sum insured
You can choose the monthly sum insured yourself:
- CHF 600.- per month/monthly premium of CHF 35.95.
- CHF 1'000.- per month/monthly premium of CHF 59.90.
- CHF 1'200.- per month/monthly premium of CHF 71.90.
- At least 18 years old and no more than 60 years old on conclusion of the contract.
- Can only be concluded in conjunction with a valid loan agreement (existing or new)
- Main residence in Switzerland.
- No knowledge of an existing illness.
- No absence from work of more than 20 days due to illness/accident and no hospital stay of more than 10 days in the past 12 months.
- Employed on a permanent basis and without notice for at least 12 months with at least 25 hours per week.
- Not imminently about to enter early retirement.
Duration of insurance
- Unlimited with a notice period of 30 days.
Duration of benefits
- Maximum of 12 months per claim; maximum of 36 months in total.
Applying for income protection
It’s simple:
- Choose the monthly sum insured you want.
- Print the application form and send the completed and signed application and debit authorization to the nearest BANK-now branch.
Income protection is an insurance policy from Helvetia Versicherungen, brokered by BANK-now Ltd. As the policyholder, the client concludes a contract with Helvetia Versicherungen, the insurer.